Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Story

I have always wanted to start a Blog…well not really cause it took me like 2 years to finally start one. But I do not know how long I will keep posting but we will take it one post at a time. So here is a little about myself, and what I want from this blog.

My name is Sean Collins and I am from Los Angeles, CA, I am currently attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University where I am studying Aeronautical Science which is just a fancy way of saying that I am training to be a pilot. This Blog is gonna be the story of how I get a job and start a career as a professional pilot. Personal stuff will probably come out during the duration of the Blog…

Well let the Blogging and Flying begin.

Right now I am currently working on the Muti-Commercial/Instrument upgrade. I am almost done and I should be doing my check-ride in about a month or so. Currently I am flying the Piper Seminole, and my last flight was on Tuesday March 2, 2010. It was my first flight over the Grand Canyon and as expected the canyon was BIG, it was cool and something you should do if you fly but….eh. I appreciate the beauty but I am not the type of person that gets very excited about such things. My next flight I will be to Van Nuys and Santa Barbara from Prescott. I was going to do this flight on the 5th, but it didnt happen due to icing conditions. So i will keep you posted I guess.

Safe Flight,

Sean Collins

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