A blog about how a student pilot going through college, training and building hours to land a dream job flying...yea thats all I want just to be paid to fly!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Life as an Intern
Last week I got to walk around the airport putting new charts in the aircraft. It's really eire when you walk on to an empty aircraft early in the morning knowing that you could start it up and take a joy-ride. All we needed was someone to push the aircraft backwards.Though, this job was tough than it sounds because it was a lot of walking around from one side of the airport to the other side and back again but after that you would wait around for two hours before the next aircraft that needed a awitch landed. Toured Houston Tower and TRACON facility today, tower was awesome because you could see the entire airport from 350 ft. up. While we were at TRACON they made an aircraft "ident" so we could see what they see when we ident in the plane. Really was not what I expected kinda uneventful but funny cause we made some Continental crew ident for know reason.
Well school starts in about three and a half weeks or so and I only have two and a half weeks more of this internship. My travel priveledges will last until the end of Spetember so hopefully I can get somewhere without missing to much school.
Safe Flight
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Red Light District!
All in All fun trip can't complain. this weekend maybe Chicago?
Safe Flight
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
As the Turbine Turns!
Life as an intern continues, I have just finished the training portion of the internship and starting tomorrow its back to a normal work schedule 0600- till whenever the boss leaves. Through training I got to spend 28 hours flying the 737-800 full flight simulator, learned how to operate the aircraft's flight management computer [FMC], and spent the past two days learning about ETOPs operations. The training was really exciting because it gave a first hand account on what I want to be doing the rest of my life, and this only makes me want to get there quicker.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
"TOGA, Flaps 15, Check Power..."
Right now I have reiderated to myself that flying airplanes is fun, and I know exactly what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Since Monday I have been in training sessions in the full motion simulator or the 737-800. This is the best thing I have done in a long time and it is so much fun, and I personally think the larger the airplane gets the easier it is to fly. Flying a commercail jet I believe as for stick a rudder flying is a lot easier then flying light aircraft, because it is more stable maneuvering happens at a slower pace [ie you are not rolling as fast as you can in a light aircraft] so you can be more precise. The hard part about flying commercial jets are the "callouts," there are so many and the checklist are longer so that adds to what you have to know when flying.
The training has gone really well except for I am having trouble with the callouts, especially when stuff goes wrong like engine failure. Once I get those down I think it will make things much easier.
As for the rest of my life well for now that is my life work is slow because the bosses want us to concentrate on are training and other then traveling I nothing much is going on. I here some airlines are hiring pilots which is a good sign I just wish I had enough hours to apply for them but hopefully this means in the next few yeas more airlines begin hiring again.
As for traveling I went to Toronto which was fun first time to Canada saw some stuff walked around. For this week as of now Chicago looks open so I may go there this weekend. Chicago has been on my list since the start so hopefully I get to go I really want authentic deep dish pizza [Uno's can't wait]. I will keep this posted with new stuff
Safe Flight
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Flight Training....and Traveling
This past Monday I started the training process of the internship. We learned how to use Flight management computers [FMC] and the last couple of days we have been in a a flight training device and those are real fun especially the newer one cause we could see stuff. It was really awesome being in it cause it was actually like flying. Monday we will be in the full flight simulator and I am excited out of my mind, because this is as close as you can get to flying the real thing. I hope I do well I have been studying even though a lot of the other interns are unsure of if they are grading us or not. We have heard that when and if we apply later for a real job they will be reviewing are training results from the internship. Other than that I have not been really busy this week since our bosses want us to concentrate on training though as I am writing this I have just remembered that I have to go to work on Monday...
So thats been my life lately maybe I will see someone at an airport the benefits of working for an airline are great 5 round trip tickets in four weeks is not bad some think thats to much but I like being in the air. Oh and guess what I am sleeping in the airport now after an interesting day in Toronto and I have found internet so i post this now.
Safe Flight
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Go to sleep late, Wake up Early
So its 7am in the morning and I have already been working for an hour, or at least I have been in the office for an hour. I am really tired right now but I guess its my own fault, I keep staying up late till about 11:00 pm midnight and I have to wake up at 5:30 am. The first couple of days it was easy but its adding up and for some reason I can't get myself to go to sleep at a reasonable time. So life being tired as hell continues
In other news life working for an airline is still fun, some of the other interns have started their flight training (or sim training) and I will start next week. It will be good to get back in the cockpit again even though its a simulator...Houston is not on my top 10 places to live its just so humid the air here is so thick its like soup. I am surprised I can't swim in it. I woke up and walked outside at 5:50 am and I was already unconfortable, luckily I work inside or I would be pissed off the entire day and go through about 3 shirts a day because they would be soaked in water.
The perks of working for an airline is great large corporations are the way to go when you get a job there are a lot of unseen benefits associated with large corporations that many don't realize. Well thats it I wish I could give out more information but I really do not want to step on any toes and have the Continental people going why are you giving out confidential information so.
Safe Flight.
Monday, May 31, 2010
First Week
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Travel Travel Travel
Saturday, May 15, 2010
And Safe!
So a quick update I have finished my check-ride and now I am a multi and single commercial instrument pilot. So Thursday I drove back up to Prescott, AZ and the check-ride was scheduled for 0700. As for the flight I woke up at about 5 am and sat around preparing my mind for the flight. The actual flight was good I was really nervous because I new I had one chance and if I failed I would have to wait until the fall before I finished. I was even nervous when I was preflighting almost shaking and thinking I can't wait till I am done. After take-off I new I was good weather was really CAVOK and not much wind so it was smooth. I flew smooth and we started the different maneuvers and everything went well. Landings where probably the only maneuvers I had trouble with I was a little long on the landing but I passed so I am happy. Only problem I have know way to prove it because my instructor was out of town and application stuff I do not have my original license or my temporary but I should get it in about two or three weeks!!!!
Chelsea!!!!! I am a football fan and a big Chelsea F.C. fan (well as much as I can living in America). Chelsea has won the Premier League Championship and today they beat Portsmouth for the FA cup so super excited for all this going on. Also its summer time and that means its time to get back on the bicycle. Tour De France and World Cup this will be a busy summer.Anyways getting ready to make the trip to Houston for the internship next week and packing and figuring out I will need for the summer.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Its Summer!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Disappointed and/or Frustrated
So...how are you doing? Well me not well it is Wednesday and I am a little disappointed and frustrated. So last week I was up for my check-ride well guess what...I am not done yet I finished the pre-check oral but the flight has been scheduled about three times and they all have been cancelled. Also had one scheduled today and I cancelled it cause of high winds, and to add to the problem I have to go home Sunday night. Why? because I have to be in Los Angeles so I can fly to Houston for the shadow day. So I am a bit anxious to get it over with but this adds to the anxiety of the check-ride. I only have a pre-check flight then I will be up for the real check-ride and that consist of a flight and oral. When I finish this stuff I will be a commercial instrument multi-engine rated pilot! Wish me luck cause I need it.
In other new Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University spring 2010 semester is basically over for me at least all my roommates are done for the semester but not me for some reason no matter what classes I take my finals always drag it out to the last day. Seriously, I think teachers say oh Sean is in my class well schedule the final for the last time possible so he has to stay. Oh so disappointed because some of my friends went to Tucson for a Cinco de Mayo party and the trip sounded like it would have been the best trip ever, but I have a final tomorrow so I could not party tonight. So what did I do instead of partying in Tucson with some of my friends at University of Arizona, I stayed in the dorm slowly packing my things so that I can leave, studying for that last final, writing this blog post, getting distracted by the internet, and lastly video games so normal life of a college student I guess. Well that all I got but this time tomorrow one more semester in the books and only two more...hopefully HAHA.
The picture is one I took when the engine was off in the air. Before you freak out we have two engines and we were not in any danger.
Safe Flight
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I'm Up!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
"That's Not Flying, that is just Falling with Style"
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lets See...
So today is going to be a short post because I haven't been flying this week cause flying is expensive. So just school but I am going to start up tomorrow and hopefully the cash is enough to finish the course. In other news...I am still excited about the internship but I have to figure out where I am going to live in Houston. Um...also...yea I don't even know...I guess school is going well it's not as busy as it could be so...Went home over the weekend...and...yea. Ok I am out of ideas. Oh the picture I thought it was a cool picture.
Safe Flight.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good News...
Ok Ok so it’s Friday and I am two days late...Oh well I know you guys were so worried about me. Anyways guess what my millions of followers...I got the Continental Internship. Yes I know crazy right so this summer starting in late May I get to live in Houston and work for Continental Airlines. Though, I do not get paid so...basically I am going to be poor, especially since I am going to need to pay for place to live. But I am not complaining because there are benefits to having the internship. First its an airline and since I am going to be considered an airline employee I get free plane tickets! So basically I get to fly anywhere that Continental flies for free. So I am currently trying to figure out all the places I want to go some places I have thought of so far are London, Chicago, New York, France...Just to name a few though I can only go for the weekend so places like France and London will be kind of hard to do but I don't care. Secondly, I am going to get some simulator experience for free which would be nice. Especially since Boeing 737 simulators cost like $500 per hour or some other ridiculous number that’s just really really expensive. Other news is I have friends who got the American Airlines internship, so we Riddle boys are all over the industry working for free. So I will keep you posted on the internship when I find out more news. So far I know when it starts and that I get to fly out to Houston again (for free) and spend a day with the interns that are currently there and see what I am actually going to be doing for the summer. So until next time.
Safe Flight
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Flying, Flying, Flying.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cleared to Land 16R
The trip was pretty straight forward as I followed the same victor airway for the entire trip and only had to make on ten degree turn during cruise, on the way to Santa Barbara. Flying can become pretty boring and there was nothing really going on between Prescott and Palmldale. It was fun flying in the Socal area, its not everyday flying in Prescott that you get told of 737 and Md-80 traffic. It was also the first time I have flown over the ocean as I made a left base for runway 25 into KSBA as well as the lowest I have ever been in an aircraft (13' field elevation). From Santa Barbara to Van Nuys just flew one of the departure procedures and got vectored onto the ILS for 16R; it was also fun seeing jets being vectored above and around me as they proceeded me onto the ILS. Went under the hood for the steep ILS approach into Van Nuys, and made a soft but pretty long landing. My family came and we had a late lunch and stayed in Van Nuys for about two hours before we made are way back to the aircraft and make the trip back to Prescott. The entire trip back I was put under the hood for the 2.9 flight back during the night hours, and again that was a pretty boring flight and I could tell the controller in Los Angeles center were as bored as I was.
So now just reviewing for the check-ride, but traveling back home again first. Also interview for the Continental internship is coming up and I have been getting ready for that. Well that is all for this week, I will keep this posted.
Safe Flight
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Story
My name is Sean Collins and I am from Los Angeles, CA, I am currently attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University where I am studying Aeronautical Science which is just a fancy way of saying that I am training to be a pilot. This Blog is gonna be the story of how I get a job and start a career as a professional pilot. Personal stuff will probably come out during the duration of the Blog…
Well let the Blogging and Flying begin.
Right now I am currently working on the Muti-Commercial/Instrument upgrade. I am almost done and I should be doing my check-ride in about a month or so. Currently I am flying the Piper Seminole, and my last flight was on Tuesday March 2, 2010. It was my first flight over the Grand Canyon and as expected the canyon was BIG, it was cool and something you should do if you fly but….eh. I appreciate the beauty but I am not the type of person that gets very excited about such things. My next flight I will be to Van Nuys and Santa Barbara from Prescott. I was going to do this flight on the 5th, but it didnt happen due to icing conditions. So i will keep you posted I guess.
Safe Flight,
Sean Collins
What's all that White stuff Falling on the Ground
Position: Prescott, AZ
Altitude: Ground
Well...still no flying this week my instructor is busy with cross-countries with his other students so currently he has no time for me. But, I am not complaining cause a week off from flying is a welcome experience. Its not that I do not want to go flying...and I am not saying that my love of flying has gona the way of the dotto bird its just flying is not what I think it should be. Since I go to ERAU flying is school all my flying is for training purposes which make flying not fun.
Don't get me wrong flying is still fun its just everytime I get in an airplane its for a grade after the end of every flight my instructor grades my from start-up to shut-down and securing the aircraft. All this grading add a lot of pressure to flying. Before every flight I am worried about knowing everything I need to know and whether or not I am going to have a good flight. If i do really bad on a flight I have to do the entire flight over again which means paying for an extra flight that was unneeded, and when you are paying for you flight training that get extremely expensive.
But good news occuring this week is that I have been applying for internships with Clay Lacy in Van Nuys, Amerifight in Burbank, and Continental in Houston. I have an interview with Clay Lacy later this week, and next week I have an interview with conntinental. The Continental interview is in Houston and they are flying me out to Houston for the interview, so excited for those and perparing good answers so I can land one of these internships.
Another reason that I am not flying is the weather has been pretty bad all week with it peaking yesterday. So even if I was being scheduled this week I would not have flown regardless.
I will keep you guys posted!
Safe Flight.