Yea its been a while, but I have been busy with work and working on school work for the internship. I have to write a 10 page paper on what I have been doing during the internship and I am on page six and trying to figure out how to fill the next four pages. Life as an intern has been exciting two weeks ago we went to the Boeing wide-body factory in Everett, Washington. We had a VIP tour where we walked around the factory floor ducking around partially built planes. We also drove around the delivery ramp where we saw plane awaiting delivery. In fact we saw two Boeing 777 awaiting delivery to be used by Continental Airlines, though they would not let us take them back to Houston.
Last week I got to walk around the airport putting new charts in the aircraft. It's really eire when you walk on to an empty aircraft early in the morning knowing that you could start it up and take a joy-ride. All we needed was someone to push the aircraft backwards.Though, this job was tough than it sounds because it was a lot of walking around from one side of the airport to the other side and back again but after that you would wait around for two hours before the next aircraft that needed a awitch landed. Toured Houston Tower and TRACON facility today, tower was awesome because you could see the entire airport from 350 ft. up. While we were at TRACON they made an aircraft "ident" so we could see what they see when we ident in the plane. Really was not what I expected kinda uneventful but funny cause we made some Continental crew ident for know reason.
Well school starts in about three and a half weeks or so and I only have two and a half weeks more of this internship. My travel priveledges will last until the end of Spetember so hopefully I can get somewhere without missing to much school.
Safe Flight